Tournament Format
Selected Drive Alternate Shot - Both partners will hit a tee shot and select a ball to play thereafter. The player whose drive is not selected will hit the second shot and the team will alternate shots until the ball is holed.
The team handicap is ½ of the partners combined handicaps. Individual handicaps will be 100% of the current USGA handicap. If a golfer does not have a current USGA handicap, the following maximums will be used:
Age | Maximum Handicap |
14 & over | 24 |
13 |
25 |
12 | 32 |
11 | 39 |
10 | 46 |
9 | 53 |
8 & under | 60 |
White Tees – Ages 16 & over
White Tees – Ages 13-15
Red Tees – Ages 12 & under
*Golfers ages 70 & over may play the Gold Tees, but must take a four-stroke deduction from their Gold Tee handicap.
Ties for the overall gross championship will be decided using an 18-hole playoff on a date to be determined. Ties within the divisions will be broken using the team score starting on the 18th hole. If a tie remains, the matching of cards will continue to the 17th, 16th, 15th, etc.
Local Rules and Information
- Out of Bounds - defined by inside points, at ground level, of white stakes. In the absence of white stakes, the inside edge of any public road defines Out of Bounds.
- Drop Zone - may be used as an additional option of relief for a ball laying in the hazard behind hole #2 green.
- Ground Under Repair - marked by “ground under repair” signs. G.U.R. also includes aeration holes, french drains, material piled for removal and a hole made by a greenskeeper, even if not so marked. Rule 25-1.
- All artificial materials, including mulch and rock, used in the golf course construction project shall be deemed immoveable obstructions. Rule 24-2.
- Stones in Bunkers - defined as “moveable obstructions” and may be moved without penalty. Rule 24-1.
- Cart Paths (paved or prepared) - immovable obstructions. Rule 24-2. Any path created by a golf course construction project is to be deemed ground under repair.
- A player may take relief if stance or swing is affected from the following:
- All weather stations
- All irrigation boxes
- Hole #2 - Pump House
- Hole #9 - Snack Shack
- Hole #16 - Fence on Teeing Ground
- Hole #16 - Bridge
- Hole #18 - Artificial Driving Range Tee
- Hole #18 - Driving Range Fence (A ball coming to rest over the fence is deemed to be out of bounds)
- Rocks, Stonewalls, Flowerbeds and Mulched Areas - integral parts of the golf course. Relief is NOT granted in these areas.
- Embedded Ball Rule - in effect through the green.
- Distance Measuring Devices - devices that measure distance ONLY are permitted by the Rules Committee.
- Caddie Penalties - waived in competition.
- One Ball Rule - NOT in effect during competition.
- Doubt as to Procedure - Should a rules question arise and a rules official is not readily available, play a second ball and declare the ball you wish to score with to your fellow competitor. Report the rules question to the scoring table upon completion of play (Rule 3-3).
Suspension of Play: Should the Committee decide to suspend play, one long blast will sound. Play must stop; mark your ball if possible, and immediately proceed to the nearest shelter. Three blasts allow golfers to return to play.